Onward Together

How has it been at Choices since the ruling? 

This is the question we have received from many of our friends the last several weeks. Right now, as the ground continues to settle, we are navigating what the new reality of being a pregnancy center in a Post-Roe world will look like. Our state’s trigger law went into effect last week. Praise God, abortions are illegal in Tennessee!

The week after the Supreme Court ruling, the center was bustling with volunteer requests. We were overwhelmed with all the support! On the client side, however, it was quiet. We anticipated this. The mainstream media had been yelling for months that abortion would be illegal everywhere if Roe was overturned. The average young woman who became pregnant during this time was not sure who to believe. 

When Tennessee’s heartbeat law was upheld by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, the women’s phone calls and text messages to our center became desperate. Do you do abortions? was the question many of our volunteers were answering as women called from all over the area, trying to find a place they could access abortion pills before their little one’s heartbeat was detected through an ultrasound. 

In the last several weeks, we have had an influx of inquiries through our paid Google ads. Women are given an option to fill out a contact form. The last question asked is, Tell us about your current situation. The following are some of the replies (these have been slightly altered for privacy):

  • Five and a half weeks pregnant, need an abortion
  • Unplanned pregnancy
  • Positive pregnancy test, want options for abortion
  • Not sure of my options for abortion
  • I need information on an abortion
  • Pregnant, not ready
  • I think I’m pregnant. If I am I want an abortion
  • Pregnant and can’t take care of a baby

Our staff and volunteers receive and answer these inquiries at all hours of the day and night. I’m happy to report some of these women have come to us and, so far, have chosen life for their babies! These last few weeks have confirmed one simple thing: No matter what the state laws are, women will continue getting pregnant and will still need somewhere to go. And I am so thankful we can be here for them. 

Have you heard? We are hiring new staff to walk through this difficult time alongside these women. A Client Resource Specialist will now be able to sit down with our clients and walk them through all the resources in our area that are available to them. This is simply another tool in Choices’ toolbox to help these women choose life for their babies! We are so thankful you are here with us, partnering financially and praying for these women and us. God goes before us; we are simply His servants, doing His work. We are forever grateful for you by our side. 

-Sarah Fern, Executive Director