2021 in Review

During 2021, Choices Resource Center:

  • Opened its doors for 1,450 hours
  • Answered more than 1,400 calls, texts, and emails 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Served over 500 clients and their families
  • Administered more than 240 pregnancy tests
  • Performed over 200 ultrasound exams
  • Conducted more than 240 STD tests
  • Provided diapers, wipes, clothes, and other baby items to parents in our program
  • Welcomed women and their families all across East Tennessee from Anderson, Knox, Loudon, Morgan, Roane, Campbell, and Union counties

All because of you. 

You have entrusted us with your gifts, and God has richly blessed them by bringing more women who believe abortion is their only option to our doors in 2021 than ever before. This reality and responsibility have been heavy, but the reward of LIFE has been worth it! As we say goodbye to our 29th year in ministry faithfully serving those in East Tennessee facing unplanned pregnancies, we know that none of this is possible without you. 

What will our 30th year bring? We are praying for even more growth! In the last 12 months, our staff, volunteers, and board of directors have undergone extensive training to make sure Choices Resource Center is prepared for this unprecedented growth we are experiencing. 

I want to share one story with you that demonstrates a beautiful reflection of God’s faithfulness here at Choices. 

On a cold Monday afternoon, we received a text from a young woman who found our advertisement through a Google search: 

“Planned Parenthood is not picking up their phone. I’m pregnant and I need to make an appointment for an ultrasound. I don’t know what to do, I’m scared.”

Before our counselor could respond, the young woman and her partner walked through our doors. He did not want to be a father, and she was not sure if she wanted to be a mother. 

In the counseling room, our volunteer counselor and the young woman talked through a series of scenarios: what it would look like if they decided to parent their baby; what the abortion procedure and risks looked like both physically and emotionally; and about adoption and the option to place their baby into a home of their choice. Our counselor let her know that the good news was she didn’t have to decide right away. She shared the gospel with her and asked if she could pray for them. The young woman eagerly agreed. 

The couple also agreed to an ultrasound. During this time we fervently prayed. Once settled in the ultrasound room, our nurse manager turned the monitor on. There on the screen was their baby. The little one was moving her arms around and dancing like she was waving at her mommy and daddy. A bond was made between the parents and their unborn baby—a specific prayer answered.

By the grace of God, Planned Parenthood didn’t answer their phone that Monday. Because of your giving, our online advertisement was prominently placed where they could see it. And this has happened over and over and over this year. 

If I’ve witnessed one consistent emotion with every man and pregnant woman who walks through our doors, it is fear. They fear for the future, and their immediate reaction is to make everything go back to the way it was. But we know that is impossible. A life has already been made. And they need someone to walk beside them as they make decisions that will affect their future forever. You make it possible to save lives and families every day and give opportunities to impact lives for eternity.

Because of your faithfulness, couples like this one are able to come to a safe place where hope is given. We are eternally grateful to you. We can’t wait to see what 2022 brings to Choices Resource Center. We know that no matter what, we want to be found faithful. Thank you for fighting for LIFE with us. May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas holiday celebrating our Savior’s birth