Bottles for Babies Campaign

Available Anytime!

The “Bottles for Babies” campaign is a meaningful way for church members of all ages to support young men and women facing unplanned pregnancies. Together, we can make a life-changing impact through prayer, generosity, and love.

The funds raised through this campaign will directly support our life-affirming programs, including providing free ultrasounds to help mothers see the precious life growing within them. Your support ensures that families in our community receive the care and resources they need during a critical time in their lives.

Together, we can be the hands and feet of Christ, bringing hope, healing, and love to those in need.

You have TWO Options to choose from:

Fill a Bottle for Babies

  1. Contact Us:
    • Reach out to Sandy at or call (865) 483-0099 to arrange pickup or delivery of the desired number of bottles for your church or group.
  2. Pray:
    • Pray for the safety, salvation, and well-being of mothers, fathers, and their unborn children.
  3. Distribute the Bottles:
    • Give out the bottles at any time of year that suits your church or group.
  4. Give Generously:
    • Families are encouraged to keep the bottle for about a month, filling it with spare change, cash, or checks before returning it to the church.
  5. Return the Bottles:
    • Choices can pick up the bottles at that time, or they can be dropped off at our home office during regular business hours.

Virtual Bottles for Babies

  1. Click the Virtual Bottles for Babies Button
    • You’ll be redirected to the FundEasy Page to get started.
  2. Set up a Church Peer-to-Peer Page: 
    • A church staff member or volunteer will set up a Peer-to-Peer page for the congregation. This will help in tracking donations. 
  3. Pray:
    • Pray for the safety, salvation, and well-being of mothers, fathers, and their unborn children.
  4. Give Generously:
    • As led by the Holy Spirit, fill the bottle with spare change, cash, or checks as an offering to help those seeking assistance through Choices Resource Center.

If you have any questions or would like to participate in either of these Bottles for Babies Options, please contact Sandy at or (865) 483-0099.

Bottles for Babies Slide