5 Tips for Supporting a Friend Through an Unplanned Pregnancy

No one ever anticipates an unplanned pregnancy. An unexpected pregnancy might be confusing along the way, but life – though tough at times- is ultimately beautiful. Supporting a friend or someone you love through an unplanned pregnancy can be difficult, but encouraging them through this uncertain time is something they will never forget. 

Take Time to Listen

These days, everyone has something to say, but people hardly take the time to listen. The most important thing you can do for her is listen and allow her to express her feelings in a safe environment. She is likely experiencing an array of complex emotions and, as her friend, you can help her mitigate any self-doubt feelings by listening and offering kind, supportive words. 

Respond Positively

When a woman is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, the reaction of the first person she tells tends to set the tone for her decision-making. While she might have feelings of fear and panic, you should avoid responding with shock or alarm. Be calm and understanding, and this will help her remain calm, as well. It is important to affirm that every person’s life, including her child’s and her own, is precious and beautiful no matter the circumstances.

Keep Reaching Out

During this time, don’t hesitate to text or call and remind her that you care about her. The important thing is to not shut off communication, even if you don’t get a response when you think that you should. A simple encouraging text or dropping off some of her favorite things, could make a huge difference. 

Seek Our Resources

Likely, your friend is feeling overwhelmed as she tries to determine the best way forward and comes to term with her unexpected pregnancy. As another way to support, you can research resources and community opportunities for them. 

The best approach to offer is one without bias and judgment, regardless of her decision or situation. That’s the same approach we take towards all of our services and programs at Choices Resource Center. We are not here to pass judgment; we are here to listen, offer counsel and connect you to resources you need.

We are honored to have helped thousands of women navigate unplanned pregnancies and gain connections to the resources and support they need to make a plan for their family’s future. Our center is free of judgment and offers a safe environment for you to voice any concerns and educate yourself on available options. To discover more about how we can help you discover the resources you need, reach out to our team today